Recycling More And Easier In Milwaukee

The city of Milwaukee just announced a revamped recycling program. No longer do you need to separate paper and containers - you can throw it all in together. In addition, they will accept more containers - including cartons (those 'wax' - actually thin plastic - coated juice and milk cartons) as well as #4 and #5 plastics, even pots and pans. The full details on what, when, how are on the Milwaukee Recycles Recycle For Good website.

Hopefully this new program - which will make it easier for people - will increase compliance and get more people recycling. I recently moved from the city of Milwaukee just across the city line to Wauwatosa, a community that has had a program similar to Milwaukee's new one and I have to say (even though I would recycle either way) it is much easier. You don't need to keep the materials separate in the house, you won't fill up one side of he recycling cart while the other is empty, and you can throw in a lot more meaning less worry about sorting.

Kudos to the city for this big step to decreasing waste in Milwaukee.


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