The throngs of geeks, nerds, and dorks - of whom I am proud to consider myself - keep impressing me with various ways they find to fit philanthropy into their lifestyle. Another great example of this is that
DC Entertainment - creators of American icons like Batman and Superman - is utilizing a program called
We Can Be Heroes to help the people of the Horn of Africa. In an area where they are experiencing the worst hunger crisis in 60 years, DC is matching donations to their
partners in the efforts to solve the problem: Save The Children, The International Rescue Committee, and Mercy Corps. Examples of donation amounts and what they can do for the people in need are:
- $100 can fund a mobile health team’s ability to help a severely malnourished child make a full recovery
- $50 provides a household of six people two weeks of food, water, and hygiene items
- $25 provides purification supplies for clean water for 3 families of 6 for a month
- $10 provides enough high-nutrient peanut paste to keep a child alive for more than a week
In addition to making a straight up donation, you can also shop for exclusive
DC We Can Be Heroes gear and 50% of the purchase price will go to the program.
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