Good Samaritans Sees, Stops, and Saves

You probably have heard by now of the story of the Madison-area passerby who saw a girl walking on the street, noticed she looked out of sorts, and stopped to see if she needed help. It turned out she did need help, life-saving help. At 15 years old she weighed only 70 pounds and showed signs of abuse. You can find the details of her abuse across all Wisconsin media, but as so often happens, slowly but surely the heroism of the man who helped her gets lost in the horrid details. But let us not forget, there was a man who saw, stopped, and ended up saving this girl from further abuse if not likely eventually death.

Mike Vega did what many would not. Many would see but not stop, not wanting to get involved or just not thinking - I wonder what is up. Instead Vega noticed, truly saw, that this girl was in distress and stopped to help her. Any number of even small issues from a simple accident to a fight with peers could have been the case and she still might have needed help, unfortunately the scenario was far worse, but thankfully Vega did stop and assisted the girl.

Well-Met Mr. Vega, thank you for being a true gentleman and helping someone when they needed it and setting an example to us all on how to be a good man, a Well-Met Man.


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