All the holidays seem to be evolving from their roots as recognition for an event or remembrance into days to give cards (more and more e-cards and even just e-mails) and gifts, make time for family that you normally don't, and maybe do an activity for that day you don't do the rest of the year. Two examples: at Christmas we give gifts, along with the staple holidays get together with family, and may go to church the only time for the entire year; for Valentine's Day men give cards and gifts to their romantic partner, carve out time form their schedule to take them to a longer, nicer dinner, and for that day alone try to pay more attention to their partner and 'act' the gentleman.
Earth Day - as it becomes bigger, more prominent, and more commercial - every year seems to devolve more and more into the American holiday model: we post messages and yes - even send cards, and take the time to do an activity just for the day such as doing a park, river, or highway cleanup. The only thing missing may be making time for family, although some of you may do your annual activity with family.

So on April 22 - Earth Day - go ahead and participate in the annual activities, but add into it a resolution to do one of the earth friendly things from here on out. As the saying goes- Make Every Day Earth Day. I am sure you will see lots of news items about what to do for Earth Day. Some suggestions include:
- Replace your lighting with environmentally friendly ones (CF, halogen, LED)
- Use reusable bags for shopping - buy bags, make sure they are accessible (in your car) and use them
- Use reusable drink vessels in place of water bottles and coffee cups from your cafe
- Switch to organic produce as much as you can
- Switch to bio-degradable and/or earth friendly cleaners and hygiene products
- Switch to natural lawn and garden care (including mulching your grass versus bagging it)
- Install a water barrel (yes it is one time but its effects last all year)
- Compost your waste (again a lasting item)
- Volunteer for a group that does weekly or monthly - rather than annual - clean ups of public spaces
I already do pretty much everything listed above. This year my resolution is simply to increase those as close to 100% as I can - mainly in the area of personal hygiene. What Earth Day Resolution are you going to make? Comment below.
And remember, when the next holiday comes along- Memorial Day is right around the corner - look for ways you can make a lasting resolution meaningful to the day's subject matter in addition to your annual one-time activities.
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