Great Play: Matthew Stafford Bids On Auction Item For Fan

It always pains me to give kudos to teams and players that are rivals of our hometown teams, but when they deserve it they get it. Yahoo! Sports reported that Matthew Stafford, QB of the Detroit Lions, attended the Griese-Hutchinson-Woodson Champions for Children's Hearts weekend to benefit the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and while there pulled off a pretty admirable Well-Met feat.

Stafford met Mott patient Faith Falzone and her brother Will, and learned they were big Lions fans. At the auction, there was a "Monday Night Football" package for the Lions game at Chicago where the Falzone's visited. Stafford donated six tickets to add to the package and then proceeded to bid $15,000 for the package. Even more amazing, after he won it, he turned around and gave the package to Will and his family.

Well done and Great Play Mr. Stafford.


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