Milwaukee Finalist For Bloomberg Mayors Challenge

Milwaukee is once again at the top of a list among cities doing good things. We are finalists in The Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Mayors Challenge, a competition designed to inspire America’s mayors to generate innovative ideas that solve major challenges and improve city life. 305 cities entered and it is down to 20 finalists to win one of 5 prizes.

Milwaukee's entry, from Mayor Tom Barrett, is called HOME GR/OWN:

Idea Description:
"In targeted HOME GR/OWN Zones, engaged, empowered, and enabled residents repurpose foreclosed houses and vacant lots into abundant healthy food assets, yielding healthier, safer, revitalized neighborhoods, and greater economic opportunities."
Favorite Element of Mayors Challenge:
"The Mayors Challenge presents Milwaukee with the opportunity to explore new ideas in innovative ways and engage the public. Our call to action was 'Tournavation,' which yielded an unprecedented response and created a new model for problem solving in our City."

Favorite Part about Living in Milwaukee:
"My favorite part about living in Milwaukee is the diversity and warmth of the people and their willingness to get engaged in helping address our City’s challenges."

Watch the video on Milwaukee's entry below then Vote here for Milwaukee to win! Voting is open from February 20 through March 6.


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