The We Can Be Heroes program seeks to raise awareness and funds for three humanitarian aid partners who are delivering aid where it is needed most. Everything they do goes to support the life-saving work of Save the Children, International Rescue Committee and Mercy Corps. Since it's start, those who desire to help could donate directly to the fund, or even shop for DC and program-related gear with a portion of the purchase price going to the program, but with the addition of the Indiegogo crowdfund the fundraising really kicked into high gear.
At the Indiegogo project page here, people can donate to the cause and in return receive rewards based on the size of the donation including free digital downloads, hard copies of special edition comics, even signed posters and comics.
The initial goal of $50,000 was enough to provide food and lifesaving medicine for 3,000 families. But since the donations went past that new achievements were added. At $70k care for an additional 200 malnourished children and babies was achieved. If $90k is reached food for 2,000 additional children will be provided. The new final goal of $100,000, well within reach by the end date of Friday May 17, will help put a mobile health unit in Ethiopia to bring care to 2,500 more people.
You have the chance to be part of something special and stand up to fight hunger with your DC icons. In the next 31 days - one month time - if you make a donation you can help reach that final goal and provide all he care listed above to the people of the Horn of Africa where more than 8 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are in need of critical assistance, a situation is so critical that in July 2011, the United Nations officially declared famine for the first time in 21 years. Because of the help of everyday heroes progress has been made and in February 2012, the UN lifted the famine in the region, but they still need help. Only real heroes like you can help them though.
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