MOVEmber Adds New Way To Participate

This post could, should, have come a few weeks ago - before the month started so everyone could get involved. Alas, I did not, but there's still time to get involved, and even to carry it on, my wayward son. It is the middle of November, and that means we are also in the middle of Movember - the by now well known men's health movement that has focused on first prostate cancer, added mental health, and now with a different way to look at the word, physical health in general.

While it usually is looked at as Mo-vember, mo as in moustache where men grow facial hair for awareness, this year they realized it can also be Move-mber. In this case the 'Move Challenge' stresses increasing physical activity for the month to increase men's overall physical and with it mental health. Instead of (or in addition to) growing a moustache you can do and track exercise for the month.

Why the 'Move' Challenge? As Movember states: "Men are facing a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. They are dying too young, before their time." I wish they got a bit more on their website on why they recommend more activity. I am sure they think we should and do get it, but the very fact they think they need to promote it means to me that more education could help. Well, I will assume you understand most benefits, but here's one that directly relates back to Movember: Several studies have reported links between physical activity and a reduced risk of cancers of the prostate (as well as lung and colon, for women breast and lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer)). It is also a mood enhancer and can greatly impact mental health. Here is more info on benefits of exercise.

It's a perfect time actually, at least for us in Milwaukee and Wisconsin, since winter is looming, it's getting darker, and its a time that many start to see a decrease in activity. If we can amp it up in November we may just carry it over through winter.

It's also a great option for those who don't want to do the whole moustache thing. I did for a few years but stopped since I now raise money for Movember in September during the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride and I hadn't paid as much attention to the revamped web site and the new Move Challenge option.

Finally, its a way for women to get involved. They can sign up to MOVE in Movember as well as Mo Sistas, and skip the whole moustache thing. Just as we can support them in October for Breast Cancer month, they can follow up and support us in November.

What's great is that its up to you what you want to do, it's not a run, no specific challenge for time, or steps, or whatever. You just track what you do online and its up to you to set your own goals.

There's still time to get a full two weeks in, and even better - start now but carry on past November. Let's put the MOVE in Movember.


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