Man's Best Friend: Help Protect A Dog That Protects Us

This one will be short and sweet, as its pretty simple, to me it's a 'nuff said deal.

The MECA Foundation, who's mission it is to is to protect every police dog in the state of Wisconsin by providing them with bullet proof and stab proof vests, needs the help of the community for a local police dog named DJ.

DJ's K-9 Protective Vest has expired and MECA would like to purchase him a new one. The new and improved vests go for approximately $1000 and they need us to step up and give them the funds they need to do so.

We have covered MECA before, about their annual Vest A K-9 Fest, which you can read about here. I have a soft spot for dogs, I respect what they do for us as companions and more as caretakers. They serve and protect us in so many ways, one of which is as police dogs, and MECA is there to return the favor to protect the dogs that protect us.

Please consider donating to the cause and get DJ a new vest - head on over to their donation page here.

UPDATE 1/20: The funds have been raised for DJs vest, however, MECA is always in need of funds so please consider making a donation now or in the future.


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