About GMM

Welcome to the Greater Milwaukee Men's Guide, the online resource for Milwaukee’s modern gentleman - a new Renaissance man as it were. Here you will find information on goods and services for being a Great Man, the state of men in the modern world, and ways to follow our maxim of ‘Social.Responsibility’


Social.Responsibility means being responsible while having fun, and having fun while being responsible. We want to show the world men can be cool AND caring, geeky and gracious, radical and responsible,  strong and sympathetic. Well you get the picture.

Responsible Fun

First and foremost we should be responsible when pursuing our interests. Do not do something that could cause harm to others.  A real man is one who shows care and concern for others.

Some examples include:
  • Electronics are a common interest of men, we all pledge to try to respect the environment and look for green options (use ).
  • If you ride a motorcycle, be safe, wear protective gear, ride with consideration for others.
  • If you have a dog, do a fun and safe activity with them. Pitbull owners can show their dog's strength in safe weight pulling contests instead of the inhumane dogfighting.

Fun Responsibility

The flip side to responsible fun, is using our interests and skills in activities that can help others. Instead of retreating away from people to participate in an interest, share that time with others to enrich their lives

Some examples include:
  • Create a fundraiser out of an activity men enjoy to raise money for a good cause.
  • Share your interest with someone to enrich their lives (be a Big Brother for a boy with your interests).
  • Give your time to another organization (volunteer as a marketing resource for a small non-profit)

If you have ideas for stories or events for the calendar please contact me. Even better if you want to write your own column, or help create events for socially responsible men let me know.

Kevin Frank
kevin@wellmetman.com | 414.364.6489


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