Men's Health Planned Parenthood Helps Men Too

It's Men's Health Week again, time to pass along some tips and resources.

Did you know? While more commonly known for assisting women, Planned Parenthood also provides services to men. You can check out what they can do for you here.

From Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin: Did you know that their health centers provide sexual and reproductive health care for men, like STD testing and treatment? Their doors are open to everyone.

One of the most important services available for men is Testicular & Prostate Cancer Screenings. I know may men don't like going to the doctor, for many reasons, but at PP you can setup an appointment just for this check up.

If you have questions or need assistance with reproductive or sexual health services, it may be a less intimidating or embarrassing outlet, instead of going to a regular doctor, sitting in a general practice waiting room, etc.


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